Comics By Topic
- Age / Elderly / Old Folks / Youth
- Christmas
- Common Sense
- Courtesy
- Disappointment
- Economy / Business / Money Management
- Education / School
- Employment, Work, Job
- Example
- Family
- Food
- Free Market
- Gratitude
- Halloween
- Health / Wellness
- Human Nature
- Irony
- Kindness
- News
- Patience
- Pop Culture
- Old Sayings
- Point of View
- Puns & Word Play
- School
- Science
- Selfishness
- Service
- Shopping
- Sympathy
- Technology
- Values and Morals
Jeff has been drawing for as long as he can remember. One of his dreams is to be a Rock Star, but he cant sing, he cant dance, and he doesnt look good in tight leather pants. So hes pursing his other dream of combining words and pictures in new and interesting ways. Comics are the perfect way to do that.
He created the Cully KoalaTM comic strip when he was in sixth grade, but never had a good way to share it with the world, so he put it away for a while. With the Internet, he now has the perfect platform 6-year-old me could only dream of. Its time to dust off his favorite old toys and let other people enjoy them as much as he does!